
Roger Kingkade

Gregg Patterson

Matt Weinberger

Garett Martin

Nathan VanderKlippe

Julie Adam

Jeremy Nichols, CPC

Robert Sereci CCM ECM

Bill Morari, ECM

Ryan Tracy, PGA

Kelsey Hahn, MSc

Ricky L. Potts, Jr.

Michael Gregory

Jeff Germond, CCM

Three Carpenter, CCM and Jackie Carpenter, CCM

Mark R. Thompson

Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougall

Tim Tamashiro

James Beebe

Kurt Kuebler

Doug Junor

James Cronk

Joe Krenn

Kevin Newman

Jim Hope CCM, CCE

Joel Livingood, CCM

Christine Stevens, CCM

Melissa Hansen

Erin Lawrence

James Beebe

Gregg Patterson

Three Carpenter, CCM and Jackie Carpenter, CCM

Kelsey Hahn, MSc

Julie Adam

Bill Morari, ECM

Jeff Germond, CCM

Ricky L. Potts, Jr.

Melissa Hansen

Ryan Tracy, PGA

Christine Stevens, CCM

Kurt Kuebler

Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougall

Roger Kingkade

Joel Livingood, CCM

Mark R. Thompson

Kevin Newman

Joe Krenn

Robert Sereci CCM ECM

Michael Gregory

Nathan VanderKlippe

Doug Junor

Tim Tamashiro

James Cronk

Jim Hope CCM, CCE

Erin Lawrence

Garett Martin

Jeremy Nichols, CPC

Matt Weinberger

James Cronk

Tim Tamashiro

Doug Junor

Three Carpenter, CCM and Jackie Carpenter, CCM

Jim Hope CCM, CCE

Joe Krenn

Kevin Newman

Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougall

Ryan Tracy, PGA

Ricky L. Potts, Jr.
What People Say About the Club Innovation Conference
"It got our team excited about the upcoming season after being burnt out a little from the 2020 season and all of its challenges. Lots of ideas!"
"I loved the flexibility to watch it at your own pace."
"Tremendous value for multiple attendees. If this was a live event, we would go from 18 attendees to 1 or 2."
"Everyone in our team was able to find something they enjoyed and found worthwhile."
"My team loved the ability to see all the videos presented, even weeks after the event dates. And the scope of different presentations was fantastic."
"That it was so accessible. It was nice that employees from a variety of positions could attend and learn."
"The length of the videos was very manageable. I like that each was about half an hour. Also, I like that it was pre-recorded. I MUCH prefer that to live lectures/calls."
"I really liked the format and the fact it was an affordable way to have my team benefit by attending the sessions all for the same price. Also, I like the fact we can go back and watch any of the sessions again for the next year."
"The fact that this was a virtual conference made it easy to attend and super flexible for everyone's busy schedules."
"Lots of great speakers and topics. We liked that you could start the session at any time without missing anything."
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