2022 CIC Speakers & Sessions

Jeff Germond, CCM
Session: “Getting Ready for Your First GM Gig.” (This is a joint session with Christine Stevens)

Three Carpenter, CCM and Jackie Carpenter, CCM
Sessions: “People First: The 5 Steps to Pure Human Connection and a Thriving Organization” and “People First – In Action!”

Erin Lawrence
Session: “How to Make Great Videos Even if You’ve Never Done it Before” & “Inexpensive Tools to Help You Make…

Matt Weinberger
Session: “Millennial Research Findings from Nextgengolf and GGA Partners” (This is a joint session with Michael Gregory)

Roger Kingkade
Sessions: “Turf Care Crews: The Secret Weapon in Club Branding & Marketing” & “Innovation Mindset & The Member Experience”

Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougall
Session: “Git ‘Er Done! – 5 Ideas to Gain Traction in Your Work and Life.”

Christine Stevens, CCM
Session: “Getting Ready for Your First GM Gig” (This is a joint session with Jeff Germond)

Ricky L. Potts, Jr.
Session: “Customer Relationship Management, Tracking Touches and Other Membership Sales Best Practices.”

Kurt Kuebler
Sessions: “How to be a Unicorn GM/COO in the Club Industry” and “Becoming or Staying a Great Team Leader!”

Garett Martin
Sessions: “Reducing staff turnover and attracting higher-quality talent through the HRing App.” and “What makes a strong hire or good…

Jeremy Nichols, CPC
Session: “5 Hiring Mistakes Employers are Making & Hiring Ideas to Find Employees”